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Foreign Residents

We bring the Torremolinos Town Hall and other official organizations closer to you

Welcome to the Foreign Residents Department of the Torremolinos Town Hall.
If you are a foreign citizen living in Torremolinos, residential tourist or visitor, here you will have all the information, guidance and help you need concerning administrative procedures for the Town Hall and the rest of Spanish Public Administrations.

We aim to help you know where you have to go and what documentation you will be required, so that you can manage easily and confidently with the administrative paperwork. We want to bring the local government closer to you and to encourage your participation in our town.

The information is available in Spanish and English, also in writing. You will find assistance in person in our office, by phone, by email and and through the contact form.


location_onCuesta del Tajo 11, Torremolinos
location_onAyuntamiento, Plza. Blas Infante 1
(+34) 951 954 395
smartphone(+34) 648 139 863

General information

A summary of the most frequent queries and procedures


Padrón is the local Department in charge of the Registry of the inhabitants of Torremolinos. The Padrón register is proof of residence and address in our town. Certificates issued by Padrón are official documents valid for public administrative purposes.

In the Electronic Office or “Sede Electrónica” you can complete the following formalities of the Municipal Padrón, as long as you have a Digital Certificate or a Cl@ve identification system:


Foreign citizens with a connection to Spain due to economical, professional or social reasons, need to apply for an identification number called NIE or Número de Identidad de Extranjero.

In order to apply for you NIE, you must make an appointment at the administration office of a National Police Station or Comisaría Nacional de Policía, and bring the required documentation with you to the appointment.


Patronato de Recaudación Provincial de Málaga is the official organisation, different to the Torremolinos Town Hall, in charge of issuing the bills and collecting the money of local taxes like IBI and Vehicle Taxes, and also of the Basura Fee in Torremolinos from 1st of January 2022. Patronato de Recaudación Provincial de Málaga has an office in Torremolinos at Calle de la Cruz 35. An appointment is required for in-person assistance here.

  • Patronato de Recaudación de Málaga:
    Torremolinos Office. Calle de la Cruz 35
    (+34) 951 957 497  / (+34) 951 957 489

    Customer service in English (switchboard): (+34) 951 957 000
    Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 14:00 h. / 16:00 – 18:00 h.
    After the message, press 2. After the second message, say “English”.


European Union citizens:
EU citizens must apply for your residence card called ‘Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión’, at the administration office of the National Police Station in your place of residence. An appointment is required, which can only be made online, and you must bring the required documentation with you to the appointment.

Non-European Union citizens:
Non-EU citizens must apply for your residence card called TIE or Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero, at the Office for Foreigners in Málaga city or Oficina de Extranjería de Málaga. An appointment is required, which can only be made by calling (+34) 952 980 460, Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 14:00 h.

  • For information and to make an appointment:
  • What documents must I bring to the appointment, together with the application form?:
    Oficina de Extranjería de Málaga will inform you of the documentation required in your case.
  • Further information:


The Department of Older Persons of the Torremolinos Town Hall provides information for pensioners and people over 65 years, and assists them in processing documentation on Padrón certificate, local bus pass, or the card ‘Tarjeta Andalucía Junta Sesentaycinco’.

In the local Centro de Participación Activa “El Pozuelo”, located at Calle Rafael Quintana Rosado 38 (just a few metres away from the Town Hall), you will be informed of the different services and administrative procedures avilable for older people in our town.


The digital certificate (‘certificado digital’) is a software that allows us to complete administrative formalities online with the Torremolinos Town Hall and the rest of Spanish Public Administrations, quickly and safely. It is increasingly being used to communicate with the different Spanish Public Administrations.

One mandatory step when applying for your digital certificate is to provide proof or your identity in an official institution, in the office called Oficina de Acreditación de Identidad. You can do this in Torremolinos in several offices. An appointment is required in all cases:


The Spanish National Health System provides free medical assistance and has a large network of healthcare centres and hospitals spread throughout the entire national territory, which you can resource to in the event of illness or injury. The Emergency Health Service Telephone number is 061, although you are recommended to call 112, which deals with all types of emergencies. This service is provided in Spanish, English, French and German.

There are two local Health Centres in Torremolinos, both under the Andalusian Public Health System or Sistema Andaluz de Salud (SAS):

Click below for more information about your right to have assistance by the Public Health System:


Visit the web of the Spanish Traffic Department (DGT or Dirección General de Tráfico) for information on administrative formalities and procedures, and the different types of permits and driving licences. An appointment is required at the Head Office of the Traffic Department in Málaga or Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico de Málaga for Traffic formalities. You can make the appointment online.

There are Medical Centres for Drivers and Gestorías in Torremolinos to help you in case that you do not want to or cannot do the Traffic paperwork yourself.



The local Department of Education offers Spanish language lessons in the Universidad Popular de Torremolinos. For more information about registration and fees, visit the Palacio San Miguel or send an email to upt@torremolinos.es


On the official website of the Consular Corps of Málaga you can check the list of Consulates accredited to the province of Málaga, and their contact details:

Telephone: (+34) 952 347 677
Fax: (+34) 952 344 158
Email: decano@ccmalaga.org info@ccmalaga.org

Contact us

Please let us know your query

Official Websites

Torremolinos Town Hall

Torremolinos Town Hall

On the official website of the Torremolinos Town Hall you can find the lastest news, information about the local government, and relevant documentation.

Torremolinos Tourism Website

Torremolinos Tourism website

This is the official Tourism website, a guide to know better Torremolinos during your stay and discover all its attractions. Our website contains information in Spanish, English, French and German.

Feeling Torremolinos

Feeling Torremolinos

Visit our blog to know more about the many enjoyable experiences you can have in Torremolinos: plans to make the most of  your stay, know our history, curiosities and single events.

Electronic Office Or 'Sede Electrónica'

Electronic Office or 'Sede Electrónica'

From Sede Electrónica, you can complete the main administrative formalities, by means of a Digital Certificate or the Cl@ve identification system, gaining access to information and services available for the citizens.



Official website of the Department of Education, where you can check the variety of local educational activities, language courses and workshops, and information about the Local Music School.

Culture And Events

Culture and Events

Check here the cultural agenda for Torremolinos and the events calendar throughout the year.